Swing ! Swing ! Swing !
畠山洋美 略歴
卒業後、日本コロムビアレコードより CD“女神たちの伝説”でデビュー。
NHK BS放送「日本のうた」等にソリストとして出演する等の音楽活動を経て、
コンサートプロデューサー、メディア制作、コンサートの企画・制作・マネージメント、ディレクションを手懸ける。2023年6月、有限会社 鈴木音楽事務所 代表取締役に就任。
Representative Director
Hiromi Hatakeyama / brief personal record
Music producer and flutist.Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music (flute major).
After graduation, she made her debut with the CD "Legend of the Goddesses" on Nippon Columbia Records.She has released 7 CDs from BMG Victor since then.
After composing and performing theme and ending songs for TV programs (Honobono Wide/TV Tokyo) and appearing as a soloist on NHK BS broadcast "Nihon no Uta" (Songs of Japan), etc., she has worked as a concert producer, media production, concert planning/production/management, and direction. In June 2023, he assumed the position of Representative Director of Suzuki Music Office, Ltd.